Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Korean BBQ

To start out our food journey we thought we would start with our most recent experience. A few weeks ago we took a trip down to Las Vegas. While we where down there we went to a restaurant called the Tofu Hut (3920 Spring Mountain Rd Las Vegas, NV 89102 is the address if you want to try it). Don't let the name fool you they serve more than just tofu as you can see in the picture. We ordered the King's meal (something like that it feed 3 of us) Here is what we thought....

Before I talk about the food, I just wanted to point out my favorite things about the restaurant. As you walk in, off to the right, there is a wall of pictures and signatures of famous people who had visited the restaurant. Almost instantly, my eyes fell on U-Know's from the former music group DBSK. (Fan-girl moment of pure joy.) One other thing that caught my eye was the large screen TV displaying a Korean cooking show. Of course, I couldn't understand it, but I sure enjoyed trying to figure out what it was. I'm voting for squid, but for all I know, it could have been a giant piece of ginger. The last thing that entertained me at the restaurant was watching the staff greet the customers. If the person looked even slightly Asian, they were greeted in Korean and the staff rattled off a dialogue. If not, they were welcomed with a hearty "hello." I was so fascinated by this, but I couldn't help wondering what would happen if a person of Hispanic descent came in and rattled off in Korean. Would the staff have had an identity crisis? Just sayin'. I'm sure there some method they use, but still would like see it happen.

Now to the food. As noted, I'm not so picky, but that doesn't mean that I don't know what is good food and what isn't. That being said, the Korean barbecue was definitely good. I highly recommend it for all types of eaters. It was not adventurous, except if you cannot stand seeing meat cook in front of you. The flavoring also was not anything that would turn off a typical American palate. The side dishes were more interesting. My favorite, by far, was the kimchi cucumbers. There were quite a few I did not recognize, but tasted just fine. I did not try one that looked like a pile of squished marshmellows with random colored things in it because I was worried it would have onions in it.

Joanna the Picky Eater
For me, I loved this place. I don't like seafood, but I do love meat! I thought is was so much fun because they cooked the meat at our table, it was fun to watch. One thing that I loved was all the side dishes (just be careful and don't put a whole piece of garlic in your mouth, I was just trying to be adventurous). I really liked the side dishes, some of my favorites are the broccoli and cucumbers with seasoning on them. I am not sure what was on them but they where so good. The flavor on them was different at first, but not a bad different but I can see how some people would not like them. I say try a little bit to see if you like the spice. There was an egg dish, I am not sure how they cooked the egg, but it was big and puffy and so yummy!! One nice thing about the side dishes is most of them are refillable so you could eat them as much as you wanted :) Not on to the meat, I LOVED the meat, I honestly don't know what we ate except they where all types of beef. They where so good!

Now our opinion: Good to Go!!
We both agree what we ate typical Americans would like. There are a few things that might taste different at first but if you give it a chance you will like it. So if you are in Las Vegas or live by a Korean BBQ place we think you should try it, you will probably like it!

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