Tuesday, November 9, 2010

7 Monts is a long time.....

Sorry all of you wonderful people who where reading mine and Stacey's blog before. I can not believe it has been 7 months since the last time we posted it has been crazy!

Some good news is Stacey is done with school and has a new job so hopefully she will find some time to get back on here with me now. I have just been working, but that is no excuse because I did have the whole summer off and I didn't find any time to post. I could give you excuses but I really don't have any, sorry!

Something Stacey and I have talked about doing is writing more about the food of Korea. I realize a lot of people don't know much about the food there, I was one of those (just read one of my last posts from forever ago). I was scared of Korean food because I thought everything had fish in it and I don't like fish, but in the last 7 months I have learned a lot about how wrong I was!

Since Stacey and I both love food a lot, we decided to for the next month to talk about our experiences with Korean food. Stacey will talk as a person who is not a pick eater and will try everything at least once. Me on the other hand, as I mentioned before I don't like fish, I still am working on liking sea weed, I have some problems with texture (like ice cream, why does it have to be so creamy?) etc. I will rate everything for those who are more picky so then you can read the reactions from two different view points.

So I promise we will be updating more and more about our Korean food experiences. So keep checking back to see what we add!

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