Friday, June 3, 2011

Catch up!

Hi everyone it has been a long time since we have written on here. A lot has happened since November. Stacey and I had set a goal of moving to S. Korea this summer and Stacey got an amazing job that she can't leave...yet, but she is hoping to transfer to S. Korea in the future. I started applying to be an English teacher at the end of February. The good news is I got the job!!!

It is amazing how much paperwork has to be processed and how many hoops have to be jumped through to get the job. After a lot of stressing over getting my documents (where is my passport, I need my FBI background check, what this needs an apostille, what is an apostille and how do I get one?). I also had to pass 2 interviews and get letters of recommendation...just thinking about all the work makes me tired again. Finally I sent all of my paperwork a week ago and it was a great feeling.

That is until my wonderful recruiter from Korvia emailed me that I forgot to sign a page. AGHH!! So I printed the page again and signed it this time and put it in the mail this week. I got an email from her saying that they accepted the rest of the paperwork and are just waiting for the page I forgot to sign to get there.

She said that I was able to get into Seoul, which was my first choice, and I am going to get on a higher pay scale because of my TESOL minor and because I taught ESL at Franklin Elementary. This made me very happy!

Now the paperwork isn't done yet so I'll keep you posted. I still have to get my contract, sign it and send it back. Then I have to go to LA to apply for a work visa, and then book my flight to S. Korea, oh yeah I have to pack too (I'm not sure how to fit a years worth of clothes, shoes and deodorant in 2 suit cases). So much to do and only a few months left.

Orientation start the 18th of August.

Wish me luck!!

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