Sunday, February 28, 2010

South Korea and Joanna

If you would have asked me a year ago what I would be working towards in the year 2010, I know the thought of preparing to move to Korea would never have entered my mind. I probably would have said, working or maybe going back to school or both. Little did I know moving back to Utah from Wyoming would change my life so much.

It all started when I found a place to live in Sandy that had 4 other girls living in it. They all seemed to be a lot of fun and the rent was cheep so I thought, "Why not." The more I got to know my roommates I realized that Stacey watched a lot of shows on her computer and hid out in her room. Slowly she started telling us about the shows and they seemed funny so when she suggested watching one I decided what did I have to lose. Stacey chose the drama You're Beautiful. I was hooked after 1 episode and I had to watch more. Everyday after work Stacey, Jenny, Catherine and I watched this show, we could not get enough of it. Finally when we finished this drama I had to find more to watch, now when I have free time you can find me in my room watching Korean dramas.

While we were watching You're Beautiful we fell in love with the music, so Stacey thought this would be the perfect time to introduce us to Kpop (Korean Pop) music. The first band she had us listen to was SS501, we all loved their music right away. Since then we have found many other bands and we listen to them all the time. If you ever drop by our house and there is music playing, odds are it is Kpop.

The more I learned about Korea through the dramas and the music the more interested I got about their culture. I would find my self imagining what it would be like to live there, and it got me so excited. Stacey told me that she wanted to move there to work and I got so excited and said to her, if you go I will join you.

So now this is our story of our journey of going to Korea!


  1. I loved watching You're Beautiful together!! We had so much fun! I can't believe how much we have learned in such a short time.

  2. There is this one Korean song that I really like. I have no clue who it is by but I know it is a girl group.

  3. I wonder if it is the Wonder Girls. Is the song called Nobody. I love the chorus "I want nobody, nobody but you" They were the first Korean group to get on the Billboard Top 100.
